UNM: standardization to achieve performance and French leadership
UNM: our unwavering commitment to our stakeholders
UNM, Union de Normalisation de la Mécanique, is the French sectorial standardization office for mechanical engineering, steel and rubber industries, operating on behalf of AFNOR. Our expertise, approved by the Ministry in charge of Industry, covers the standardisation of material, products and techniques derived from mechanical engineering, steel, metal working and elastomer processing industries (excluding pneumatic tyres), and welding and its related applications, and more recently casting.
As we provide support to its stakeholders (industrial companies, users, technical centres, laboratories, public authorities…), we develop the French standards (NF) and coordinate the contribution of French experts to the working groups developing European (EN) and international (ISO) standards. Our ambition is to enable standardization to play the role it deserves: a major leverage for the performance and French influence at the international level.

120 national committees, 2300 experts involved
A national committee is the core platform for standardization work.
We manage 120 national committees, each having a specific scope and gathering experts representing the different socio-economic partners interested in the covered topics (major industrial groups, SMEs, industrial product suppliers or instructing parties, ministries in charge of regulation, NGOs and consumer associations…)
Our 120 standardisation committees have the responsibility to manage a pool of around 5000 standards (20% of the entire pool of standards, excluding the electrotechnical field). We also develop or/and revise 300 to 350 standards a year.
Our performance

Our leadership in European and international standardization
Among the standards we develop, 30% are European (EN) and 60% are international (ISO) standards. To ensure that our French experts take part in the working groups, we accompany and guide the French delegations abroad to represent France to the working groups and technical committee meetings at CEN and ISO.
More importantly, thanks to the support and long-time commitment of our stakeholders as wells as the guidance to our French chairmen and convenors, we manage the secretariat to 120 committees at the CEN and ISO, working groups and technical committees where the interest/stakes of the French parties are at the strongest.
Our presence on the international stage shows that the European and international standardisation system recognize not only the expertise of our team but also the footprint of the French actors in the system.
Our leadership team at the service of our stakeholders
Denis SCHNOEBELEN (MANTION) is the chairman of UNM. Frédéric DUCLOYER manages a team of 40 employees as of 2022. Carole GRATZMULLER chairs the Orientation Committee, responsible for the validation of the work programme of our national standardization committees.

Chairman of UNM

General Manager

Chairwoman of Orientation Committee