Maintenance Agency ISO 13399

ISO 13399 Maintenance Agency


Our website is intended to facilitate the use of the ISO 13399 series of standards by providing, at international level, an accelerated process to give official answers to questions or modification requests regarding the application of this standard.
Information about the update and evolution of the standard are also provided.

This information is transmitted and completed at national level, from the standardization body in charge of this standard.


The Cutting Tools Reference Dictionary consists of the following parts:

The following documents must be taken into account to use the cutting tools reference dictionary:
Source : TS 13399-3
Source :ISO/ TS 13399-3
Source : TS 13399-2
Source :ISO/ TS 13399-2

The ISO 13399 series is an application of the ISO 10303 and ISO 13584 standards for the computerised representation and exchange of cutting tool data. ISO 13399-1, conforming to ISO 10303, is a specification for the representation of the items and their assembly in a modern cutting tool.
The descriptions and the properties of the items are defined in the digital dictionary, conforming to ISO 13584, and these item terms and property names are used by ISO 13399-1. Manufacturers, buyers and users can use ISO 13399-1 and the digital dictionary to store cutting tool data and to exchange this data in an unambiguous way. 

The ISO 13399 Maintenance Agency plans the update of the dictionary to take into account the user’s experience and feedback, as well as their needs.
ISO has appointed AFNOR/UNM, the secretariat of the committee ISO/TC 29 “Small tools”, for the installation, the hosting and the management of the maintenance agency.

Assemblies of a modern cutting tool
Assemblies of a modern cutting tool
The process followed to deal with questions and modification requests is shown on the following diagram:
Agence maintenance ISO 13399 VE 2023


The series of technical specifications comprising the cutting tools reference dictionary was published since 2014. Parts 2, 3 and 4 were revised in November 2021.

Information about incoming evolution

The maintenance agency holds frequent meetings to work on the implementation of the cutting tools reference dictionary. The new approved properties will be implemented in the next revision of the technical specifications  ISO/TS 13399-5, ISO/TS 13399-50 and ISO/TS 13399-60.
New properties approved:

Ask your questions

If you have any questions, please download and complete the application form and send it to the secretariat of ISO/TC 29

Adresse email professionnelle / Business email address *
Prénom / First name. *
Nom / Last name *
Organisme / Organization *
Pièces jointes : merci de joindre obligatoirement le document de soumission de question (voir ci-dessus) / Please attach the question document to the form. *
Poids maximum : 10 MB
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