Shape the future of your industry

and get one step ahead

How to maintain 5000 standards

of the mechanical engineering, steel and rubber industries

Who we are

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UNM is the gateway for French manufacturers and stakeholders to influence standards in the engineering, steel and rubber industries. Our ambition is to enable standardization to play the role it deserves: a major leverage to take on the great industrial and societal challenges.

Standardization : a matter for all

More than ever, the use of standards is key to industrial and commercial exchanges, both nationally and internationally. Whether you are a small business or an international corporation, active participation in standards development can give you a significant competitive advantage on the market.

Antoine Huchez
Our participation in a standardization committee allows us to stay one step ahead by developing a product while drafting the standard.
Antoine Huchez
Chairman of HUCHEZ
Témoignage : Somain Sécurité - Pierre Brunon
Playing an active role in standardization allowed us to anticipate the design of a new material and to be ready for the application of this new standard.
Pierre Brunon
Technical Manager of Somain Sécurité

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